What We Do
We Create Trails, Car Stops, & Public Transit Options
Our priorities are to :
Work with Pender Islands Parks and Recreation Commission [PIPRC] to build a pedestrian path from
Danny Martin Park to the School. Phase I in progress.
Work with local land owners to build a contiguous path
from the Driftwood Center to the Community Hall.
Identify the highest risk transportation areas on the
Pender Islands and assess alternatives for improving safety.
Maintain the existing trails built by MAP (including Monty's Trail, Valley Home Farm Trail, Armdale Loop
and George Hill East Trail) as well as maintaining the Car Stops established by MAP in 2009
MAP has has been instrumental in creating trails on private property on Pender Island, facilitated by partnering with trail groups on other SGIs to provide liability insurance for landowners.
MAP trails: Monty's trail, Valley Home Farm trail, Armadale Loop Trail, George Hill East Trail, and Molly's Trail [in-the-works]
Barry Mathias, a founding member of MAP, created the brilliant concept of " Car Stops" in 2008. Essentially, Car Stops are a bus route without a bus! Car Stops are a safe way to hitch a ride when living in an island community where most folks know one another.
Car Stops soon became contageous and spread to many of the other Gulf Islands.
Check out MAP's car stop map.
Public Transportation
Taxi-Saver & Bikes
In 2017 MAP created a bus service, run and operated by volunteers who dedicated hundreds of hours of their time to making the service a success. When COVID hit the community in 2020 the service was discontinued, and the bus sold.
As of 2024
MAP,in conjunction with the SGI Neighborhood House and Lightning Taxi, runs a Pender Taxi Saver Program [https://sginh.ca/programs/seniors-programs-1/taxisaver/]. All Pender Residents 65 years of age and older and those with mobility challenges of any age are eligible to buy half price taxi vouchers for Lightning Taxi rides for on-island trips. Registration for eligible individuals can be done at the Neighbourhood House Office at the Driftwood, they are open Mon, Wed and Fri 10am to 4pm.